Piglets born on a factory farm in Latin America

Donate to protect pigs

Protect pigs today

Will you help stop pigs being cruelly harmed and exploited?

£10 could help fund crucial research into pigs and their welfare.

Pigs, Latin America

£20 could help push factory farms to stop locking mother pigs in cramped cages.

A pair of hot cauterised scissors held up to a piglet

£30 could help stop piglets’ teeth and tails being cruelly cut without pain relief.

Help give pigs a life worth living

Pigs are intelligent, sensitive animals. Yet they’re being subjected to appalling cruelty on factory farms.

A mother pig on an intensive farm can give birth at less than a year old. Caged so tightly she can’t turn around, she can feed her piglets but not care for them. Three weeks later, they’ll be taken away forever.

For the rest of her life, she’ll be impregnated and forced to give birth again and again. 

When her body gives out, she’ll be killed at just three years old.

For her piglets, the misery is only just beginning. Their teeth will be filed down, and their tails cut off – all without pain relief. Then they’ll be packed together in filthy conditions and pumped with antibiotics to stop infections. No animal should have to endure these horrors.

With your help, we can stop this cruelty and give farmed pigs decent, healthy lives.


Pig Welfare - Factory Farm Cruelty - World Animal Protection

It’s time to stop this horrific cruelty. Will you help?

Donate to protect pigs

Your kindness will help protect animals worldwide, expose the cruelty pigs face and push for an end to factory farms. We’re fighting cruelty wherever we find it – will you join us?

Donate now

Piglet 83739: A story of suffering

From the minute they’re born, piglets like 83739 are treated as living pieces of meat. At just five days old, this baby pig will be ripped from his mother. His tail will be brutally cut off, with nothing to numb the agony.

Then his teeth will be ground down in an excruciating, terrifying process. Afterwards, he’ll be dropped back with his mother, who’s caged so tightly she can’t comfort him. At three weeks old, he’ll be taken away from her forever.

Donate now to protect piglets and help end factory farming for good.

Donate now

We will use your donation where the need is greatest to protect animals, like those featured in this appeal, from cruelty and suffering.

More ways to give

If you would like to donate over the phone, please call our Supporter Care team on:

0800 316 9966
(Monday to
 Friday from 9am to 5pm)

High welfare pig farm, UK

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