Elephant in the wild

How to leave a gift


Here's what you need to know

If you’re thinking about including World Animal Protection in your Will, our free Gifts in Wills guide offers valuable information with everything you need to know about leaving a gift in your Will.

If you leave a gift in your Will to World Animal Protection, your kindness will help give animals a life worth living. 

Download the guide


Single elephant in woodland

How to word your gift

It's important that World Animal Protection is correctly identified in your Will, and that your gift is described in enough detail.

We recommend that you take this suggested wording to your advisor, for their reference:

I give to World Animal Protection, 222 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HB, registered charity number 1081849, ____ (insert percentage or amount of gift in figures and words) and I express the wish that such gift be used for the general purposes of World Animal Protection. The receipt of a duly authorised Officer of World Animal Protection shall be a good discharge to my executors for the gift.

A collage photograph of Jane and Susan, two senior women. Jane is sitting on steps wearing a turquoise jumper and Susan is in a garden or park smiling at the camera.

Inspiring stories of compassion

Leaving a gift in your Will is powerful and easy

Jane and Susan are just two individuals whose love for animals inspired them to leave a gift in their Wills. Find out their reasons for supporting animal protection beyond their lifetimes and how they found the process to be straightforward and rewarding.

Read more


Find out more

A gift in your Will


Making a Will gives you peace of mind, knowing your money and possessions will be passed on to people and causes you care about.

How your gift will help animals

A gift in your Will

We’re building a better world for animals. With your help, we can protect wildlife and give farmed animals good lives. Leaving a gift to World Animal Protection in your Will is incredibly powerful. Start your Will today.

Contact us

A gift in your will

If you have questions about any aspect of leaving a gift in your Will or would like to let us know that you have left us a gift in your Will, please contact our Supporter Care team.

Talk to us

Would you like to talk to someone about our free Will offer? 

Phone: 0800 316 9966 (9am to 5pm, Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)
Email: giftsinwills@worldanimalprotection.org.uk