A high welfare chicken farm located in the Netherlands

How your gift will help animals

A gift in your Will

We’re building a better world for animals. With your help, we can protect wildlife and give farmed animals good lives.

Tragically, around the world millions of animals are being harmed, abused and exploited. They’re used in farming, for entertainment, in traditional medicine, and as pets and products.

  • Bears are torn from the wild, chained and forced to dance for tourists
  • Pangolins are hunted down, trafficked and sold to be used in traditional medicine
  • Sick and injured chickens lie in their own waste on factory farms

With a gift in your Will to World Animal Protection, you can help end animal cruelty and suffering. With your support, we can build a future where wild animals are free to thrive in their natural habitats, and farmed animals live decent lives.

The power of your kindness

Leaving a gift to World Animal Protection in your Will is incredibly powerful. 

  • You could fund vital work to end the global wildlife trade, so that reptiles, bears and big cats are no longer caught, bred or trafficked for profit
  • You could help fund sanctuaries to care for animals like bears and elephants that have suffered years of horrific torture in captivity
  • You could power campaigns to transform our farming system, so that pigs, cows and chickens are free to roam outdoors

No matter how much you’re able to give, your kindness will make a difference for animals for years to come. 

Start your Will for free

Changing the future for animals

We’re the global voice for animals, respected for our knowledge and expertise. If you choose to leave a legacy to World Animal Protection, we will use your money wisely to help give millions of animals a better life. 

By speaking out and pushing hard to end animal abuse and exploitation, we’re saving lives and showing people another future is possible. 

With your support, we won't stop until all animals are treated with the care, compassion and the respect they deserve. 

To find out how you can make your Will for free, just complete this quick form:

Make your Will today

More information

A gift in your Will


Making a Will gives you peace of mind, knowing your money and possessions will be passed on to people and causes you care about.

How to leave a gift in your Will


If you’re thinking about including World Animal Protection in your Will, thank you so much. Here’s what you need to know before you start.

Contact us

A gift in your will

If you have questions about any aspect of leaving a gift in your Will or would like to let us know that you have left us a gift in your Will, please contact our Supporter Care team.

Talk to us

Would you like to talk to someone about our free Will offer? 

Phone: 0800 316 9966 (9am to 5pm, Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)
Email: giftsinwills@worldanimalprotection.org.uk