The dark side of feathers in fashion
It's time for London Fashion Week again and wild bird feathers are still allowed on their runway. Unfortunately, feathers in fashion are often seen as symbols of elegance and luxury, but the real cost behind them is hidden from the runway.
Behind every feather trim is a story of animal suffering. Here are some shocking facts that will change how you see feathers in fashion:
Feathers come from ostriches and peacocks
Ostriches and peacocks are the primary birds exploited for their feathers in the fashion industry, often used for luxury fashion items and accessories.
There’s no moulting season for ostriches
Unlike other birds, ostriches don’t have a moulting season, meaning their feathers must be plucked or cut, often while they are still alive, causing immense distress.
Live-plucking still occurs despite laws
Even though live-plucking of ostriches is illegal in most areas, undercover investigations have revealed that this cruel practice continues, especially in South Africa. The suffering this causes for the animals is unimaginable.
Birds suffer in confinement
Ostriches on feather farms are kept in barren conditions, deprived of natural habitats where they can roam. This confinement leads to severe psychological distress, including repetitive behaviours like biting the air or chewing on fences.
Slaughtered while other birds watch
Before ostriches are killed, they are often stunned and bled out while other birds can see, adding to the stress and fear experienced on farms.
No shelter for farmed birds
In South Africa and Australia, there are no legal requirements to provide shelter for ostriches over six months old, leaving these birds exposed to harsh elements.
We cannot let the suffering carry on. Fashion weeks are among the most influential events in the industry, setting trends that ripple across the globe. The British Fashion Council must strengthen their commitment to wildlife-friendly fashion by banning all wild animal products from London Fashion Week.

Wildlife. Not Fashion.
London Fashion Week is one of the most influential events in the industry, setting trends that ripple across the globe. However, as long as wild bird feathers continue to be showcased on the catwalk, the demand will persist, and millions of animals will continue to suffer.
Sign the petitionImage credits: Hero image by N. Jeromin via Pexels | CTA image by Arie van Ravenswaay