World Animal Protection Welcomes Labour's Robust Animal Welfare Pledge
World Animal Protection welcomed Labour’s newly announced plans to make improvements for animals, making them the first political party to put animal welfare on their agenda for the election.
These proposals could mark an important step forward in the fight against animal cruelty in the UK and we hope that other political parties will follow suit and prioritise animal welfare.
Peter Kemple Hardy, World Animal Protection UK's Campaigns Director, responded to Labour’s plans:
We are delighted to see the robust measures to protect animals put forward by Labour today. The return of the Kept Animals Bill, the promise to ban the import of hunting trophies, and the ending of animal experimentation cannot come soon enough. As a nation of animal lovers, the vast majority of the UK wants to see an end to brutal forms of animal exploitation. It is encouraging to see animal welfare prioritised in this way.
Key measures in labour’s animal welfare plan
Labour’s plan includes a ban on the import of trophies from endangered animals. This is a key policy supported by World Animal Protection, which has backed private members’ bills that were blocked in the House of Lords.
The plans also include reinstating the kept animals bill, which aims to:
End the illegal smuggling of animals, including dogs, puppies, and kittens.
- Stop illegal puppy farming by criminal gangs.
- Ban the sale of animals with cropped ears.
- Prohibit the import of dogs and cats with fashion-based mutilations.
- Ban the use of snare traps.
- Ban the importation of heavily pregnant cats and dogs.
- Accelerating the phase-out of animal testing
- Ending trail hunting and close loopholes allowing illegal hunting.
Other key actions World Animal Protection need to see from the next government
The Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act, which has made the domestic sale and promotion of certain low-welfare activities abroad illegal in parts of the UK, must be implemented comprehensively by the next government to include activities such as elephant riding, dolphin entertainment, and tourist interactions with big cats, great apes, and sloths.
Additionally, there is an urgent need to ban the import, transshipment, and sale of fashion products made from wild animals, such as fur, wild animal skins, and feathers.
Wild animals cannot have their basic welfare needs met in captivity. These products are either illegal to produce in the UK or made under unacceptably low welfare conditions abroad which would not be permitted in the UK.
It’s encouraging that animal welfare has been prioritised in this way and is now on the political agenda and we eagerly anticipate other party’s commitments to animals.

Together, we can move the world to protect animals
The upcoming UK General Election holds significant potential for shaping the future of animal protection and welfare. There is a deepening crisis facing animals around the world, which affects every single on of us and our planet.