farming finance

End factory farming


The astounding scale of animal suffering

  • 40 billion chickens worldwide face unbearable suffering in factory farms every year
  • Chickens are grown too big & too fast suffering from many painful health problems
  • 70% of pigs on UK farms have had their tails cut off
  • Tens of thousands of UK dairy cows are kept indoors all year restricting their natural behaviours
Broiler chickens on a UK farm

This is urgent. It’s time to end cruelty to animals in factory farming.

No Future for Factory Farming

We're dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals

Forget the slogans.
Forget the catchy jingles.
Forget the clever advertising.

Businesses are exploiting farm animals on a staggering scale for the sake of profit.

Factory farming is animal cruelty, too.

  • Bear dancing? This is animal cruelty.
  • Riding elephants? This is animal cruelty.
  • Factory farming? This is animal cruelty, too.

Factory farming is the largest source of animal cruelty in the world. But fast food restaurants and supermarkets would rather you didn't know that.

Our work to end factory farming



On factory farms, animals are fed antibiotics to stave off disease. But when they are used too often, they stop working as bacteria mutate to resist them. Is factory farming killing us?

Protect humanity from factory farming


From superbugs and new diseases to poor diets and toxic pollution, intensive agriculture causes untold damage to people and communities. The impacts of factory farming on our health are serious and shocking.

Protect animals from factory farming


Everyday, pigs, cows and chickens are abused and crammed in together with hundreds of others. These animals have thoughts, feelings and personalities. We must treat them with humility and respect.

High welfare pig farm, UK

Become part of the community

Join thousands of animal lovers fighting to protect wildlife and give farmed animals good lives. Sign up now for emails with ways you can help.

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