A piglet looks intently into the camera.

Animal welfare successes in 2022

Our achievements

Despite what has been a challenging year, you supported our work and helped us make a better world for animals.

In the UK

  • Ended the cruel wildlife market at Doncaster Racecourse
  • Exposed how antibiotic-resistant bacteria are present in British supermarket pork products
  • Revealed how local councils are investing your money into factory farming
  • Put pressure on TUI to end the sale of dolphin entertainment by giving one of their stores a re-brand


  • Rescued 24 bears from bile farms across Vietnam
  • Moved South Korea to also commit to end bear bile farming forever
  • Rehabilitated and advocating for animals who are suffering and displaced from their habitats due to intensive agriculture
  • Moved Gucci to stop glorifying tigers in their campaigns
  • Convinced two American fast-food companies to trial plant-based foods
  • Got Copenhagen Fashion Week to ban the use of animal fur
  • And Melbourne Fashion Week to ban the use of any wild animal skins, including crocodiles
  • Supported the care of 62 elephants in 10 venues around the world

It’s in our power to create a new world for animals, but we can only do that with your support. By donating, signing a petition, or sharing our posts on social media, you're helping to change the world for animals. Forever.

Thank you for all you do.

Dolphin pod swimming in the wild

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