Asiatic black bears

The bear bile industry

Our work

What is the bear bile industry?

Bear bile is a substance extracted from bears, all which are forced to endure a lifetime of cruelty in captivity, exploited for their bile – an ingredient used in some traditional Asian medicine.

This industry exploits more than 20,000 bears across Asia, subjecting them to a lifetime of suffering in captivity. We are dedicated to putting an end to this unnecessary practice and ensuring that this is the last generation of bears to be exploited for their bile.

Bear used for bile in a cage

The problem

Across Asia, thousands of bears endure unimaginable suffering. Confined in cruel captivity, they are exploited for their bile, an ingredient used in traditional Asian medicine.

Bear in a cage

The solution

We are working to make this the last generation of bears to be exploited for their bile, end the global wildlife trade, and transform the traditional medicine industry. This is so the use of wild animals is no longer socially acceptable and animal-derived products are replaced by herbal, synthetic, or other humane alternatives.


Our actions

We work closely with governments and local partners to improve legislation and strengthen law enforcement and redirect consumers and practitioners to alternatives to bear bile. Our goal is to end the captive breeding of bears for their bile for use in traditional medicine.

Our history and current efforts

We have been actively working to combat the bear bile industry for decades. Currently, our focus is on ending bear bile farming in China and Vietnam. In South Korea, we have successfully concluded our work as the government has committed to ending bear bile farming by 1st of January in 2026. Together with governments, NGO partners, corporates and experts, we strive to create lasting change and protect bears from exploitation.

Animal welfare concerns in bear bile farming

The practices employed in bear bile farming are highly distressing and inhumane. Bears are often kept in cramped and filthy conditions, confined to cages no larger than phone booths. The extraction of bear bile is carried out by individuals without proper veterinary qualifications or regard for animal protection.

Bears may suffer for up to 20 years, enduring infections, tumours, self-inflicted wounds and broken teeth from biting on their cage bars. Many exhibit signs of trauma in the form of abnormal behaviours, such as repetitive swaying and rocking.

Humane alternatives to bear bile

The suffering of bears in the bear bile industry is wholly unjustified as plant-based, synthetic and other effective humane alternatives are readily available and affordable.

By raising awareness about these alternatives to bear bile, we can promote a compassionate approach to traditional medicine and end the demand for bear bile.

Our efforts to end the bear bile industry

Our mission encompasses various strategies in China and Vietnam aimed at ending the exploitation of bears in the bear bile industry and protecting wild bears from a life of captivity.

These include:

• Collaborating with governments, corporates, local partners, and individuals to stop the exploitation of bears for their bile and advocate for wildlife-free traditional medicine to achieve lasting change.
 Strengthening legislation and/or lobbying for new laws to end the breeding or keeping bears captive for their bile is illegal.
 Raising awareness among consumers and traditional medicine practitioners about the suffering behind bear bile products – moving them to reject products containing bile, therefore reducing demand.
• Researching and raising public awareness of the alternatives to bear bile, including herbal and synthetic alternatives, which are readily available, affordable and effective
• Farm inspections to ensure that no new bears enter the industry and to confiscate illegal bears found on farms and to convince farmers to give up their bears

Thanks to collaborative efforts by several NGOs and government authorities, there are now more bears in sanctuaries and government rescue centres than on farms in Vietnam.

Since 2005, we have seen a 95% reduction of bears on farms, when there were around 4,300 bile bears held captive on farms and facilities. This reduction is due to bear transfers (confiscations of illegally kept bears or voluntary transfers by farmers), but also, sadly, deaths of bears.

By donating today, you’ll bring these bears one step closer to a better life where they can forage, play and enjoy the lives they deserve safe in a sanctuary.

A bear from Vietnam bear bile farm sits behind cage bars

Donate to save bears today

Get involved

By supporting our cause, you contribute to the prevention of severe pain and psychological distress suffered by bears in the bear bile industry. The bear bile industry inflicts needless cruelty upon thousands of bears across Asia. Our organization is committed to ending the cruel commodification and exploitation of bears for their bile in traditional Asian medicine.  Together, let's make this the last generation of bears suffering the horrors of the bear bile industry. 

Make a difference for bears

Further resources

To learn more about the bear bile industry and our extensive work in combating this issue, read further in our exclusive reports:

Cruel cures

Unbearable: The international bear bile trade

Our efforts are focused on Asia, the epicentre of bear bile farming, where we are tirelessly working to eradicate the cruel and unnecessary bear bile industry..

Dolphin pod swimming in the wild

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