An elephant is being fed by a tourist.

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Take action

We’re fighting to stop people exploiting wildlife and give farmed animals good lives. And we need your help. Are you with us?

A tourist riding an elephant that is wading through water

Elephants bred for the tourism industry suffer on a daily basis

Please sign our petition asking the Thai government to put a breeding ban in place that would stop more elephants being born into a life of chains and

Photo depicting trophy hunting

We need your voice to ban the import of hunting trophies into Great Britain

Contact your MP today and let them know the life of a wild animal is worth so much more than a trophy it is too often reduced to.

Pigs in a UK factory farm

No Future for Factory Farming

Sign our petition to the UK government and demand no more factory farms in our campaign No Future for Factory Farming.

Broiler chickens on a UK farm

Ban routine use of antibiotics in factory farming

Our ground breaking investigation reveals that antibiotic-resistant superbugs have leached out of factory farms and into the UK’s rivers. Email your MP today.

Elephants giving a performance in front of a large crowd of tourists at a wildlife venue in Thailand

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Join thousands of animal lovers fighting to protect wildlife and give farmed animals good lives. Sign up now for emails with ways you can help.

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